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Konjac sponge for skin - Anti-wrinkle - Turmeric

Sale price 29.90 lei

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Pamper your skin with a gentle and effective wash. Japanese konjac sponge is 100% vegetable fibers obtained from the root of the konjac plant. This turmeric-enriched sponge is suitable for wrinkled, aging, lack of elasticity, mature, dehydrated skin.


The sponge is soaked in water until the water covers its surface. The layer of water on the surface of the sponge constantly acts as a buffer for the skin, and this starts to form a barrier between the sponge and the skin. Due to this factor the skin is never in direct contact with the fiber and will not scratch or damage the skin even with a stronger wash. It is used in the morning and in the evening. It can be used alone or with a facial cleansing gel or makeup remover.

RECOMMENDATION: To be used together with the Skin Cleansing Gel from our range

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