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Support for scented cones "Flowing smoke" Cascade, aromatherapy, ceramics

Sale price 55.00 lei

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Fountain specially designed for "flowing smoke" cones for aromatherapy. It has a smoke cascade effect. For the smoke effect, it is necessary to use special cones to provide the necessary smoke.

The fountain is in the form of a waterfall, offering a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere in the house.

It can be used as a decorative object, but especially as a smoke fountain. Set fire to the top of the cone, let it burn for a few seconds, then blow over the cone until it forms an ember and the smoke starts to come out at the base of the cone where it has a hole. Eliminates stress and provides relaxation in the whole room.

It is placed exactly on the hole of the fountain so that the smoke flows like a waterfall.

You can choose from the two flavors of cones from our range.

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